Programme [PDF]
Wednesday, 7 October
20.00–22.00 Welcoming evening at the convent house of korp! Sakala (Veski 69)
Thursday, 8 October
9.00–10.00 Morning coffee (Vanemuine Concert Hall, doors will open at 8.30)
Plenary meeting
(Vanemuine Concert Hall, simultaneous interpretation, web streaming)
10.00 Opening
100 Years of the Constitution
Marju Luts-Sootak,
Professor of Legal History,
University of TartuThe 1920 Constitution of the Republic of Estonia – is there a Reason to be Proud?
Miguel Maduro,
European University InstituteCovid-19 and Constitutional Law / Constitutionalism
Allan Rosas,
Doctor of Law,
former judge,
European Court of JusticeOn the Relationship of the Constitutional Law of the European Union and its Member States
Awarding the “Õiguse eest seisja” prizes – Raivo Aeg, Minister of Justice
12.00–12.30 Coffee break
Has the Protection of Fundamental Rights Gone too Far?(Vanemuine Concert Hall)
Ülle Madise,
Chancellor of Justice, Republic of Estonia; Visiting Professor, University of TartuThe Significance of Fundamental Rights in Difficult Times
Dan Bogdanov,
CryptologistData Protection During “Times of War” and “Times of Peace” Based on the Example of the Corona Crisis
Participants in the discussion: PhD
Ülle Madise,
Chancellor of Justice, Republic of Estonia; Visiting Professor, University of Tartu; PhD
Dan Bogdanov,
mag. iur. Andres Parmas,
Prosecutor General;
Kristjan Siigur,
Judge, Tallinn Administrative Court;
Hardo Pajula,
Professor, Center for Free Economic Thought of Estonian Business School, Head of the Edmund Burke’s Society
14.00–15.00 Lunch
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Administrative Proceedings(Vanemuine Concert Hall)
Moderator: PhD
Ülle Madise,
Chancellor of Justice, Republic of Estonia; Visiting Professor, University of Tartu 15.00–16.30Luukas Kristjan Ilves,
Head of Strategy at Guardtime,
Chair of the Council of Europe’s Committee of experts on Human Rights Dimensions of automated data processing and different forms of artificial intelligence (MSI-AUT) Technical Nature of Artificial Intelligence, its Opportunities and Risks
Kaimar Karu,
former Minister of Foreign Trade and Information Technology Estonia’s Ambitions in Deploying Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration
Monika Mikiver,
Adviser, Public Law Division, Ministry of Justice; Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law, University of TartuAmendments to the Administrative Procedure Act for Engaging Artificial Intelligence
Ivo Pilving,
Chairman of the Administrative Law Chamber of the Supreme Court; Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of TartuJudicial Control over Algorithmic Administrative Decisions
16.30–16.45 Coffee break
Freedom to Conduct Business and the Green Wave(Vanemuine Concert Hall)
Mag. iur. Kai Härmand,
Deputy Secretary General, Legislative Policy Department, Ministry of Justice16.45–18.15Participants in the discussion:
Maris Kuurberg,
Government Agent of the Republic of Estonia before the European Court of Human Rights;
Jüri Kaljundi,
Head of SA Koosloodus;
Allar Jõks,
Attorney-at-Law and Partner, Law Firm SORAINEN;
Kristi Klaas,
Ministry of the Environment, Deputy Secretary General, Strategic Planning and Climate Policy
Estonian Constitution(s) and International Law(Dorpat Conference Centre, Struve)
Moderator: Dr. iur. Lauri Mälksoo,
Professor of
International Law, University of Tartu
one of the authors of
the 1992 Constitution, politician and publicist
International Law as
a Topic at the Constitutional Assembly in 1992
Dr. iur. Julia Laffranque,
Justice, Supreme
Court; former Judge, European Court of Human Rights; Visiting Professor, University
of Tartu
Constitution as Seen
Through the Prism of the Human Rights Case Law of European Courts
Tiina Pajuste,
Associate Professor
of International Law, Tallinn University
Relationship of the
Constitution to International Agreements and Other Sources of International Law
(§ 123 of the Constitution)
Mag. iur. Andres Parmas,
Prosecutor General
Meaning of § 3 of the
Constitution to Material Penal Law
16.30–16.45 Coffee break
Is our Constitution Well Protected?(Dorpat Conference Centre, Struve)
Moderator: PhD
Uno Lõhmus,
Chairman of the Constitutional Law Endowment Panel, Estonian Academy of Sciences; former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 16.45–18.15PhD
Rait Maruste,
former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Is the Judicial Constitutional Review in Estonia Functioning as Originally Intended? What is Working, What is Missing?
Hent Kalmo,
Adviser on Constitutional Review and Legal Theory, Chancellor of Justice OfficeConstitutional Review, Estonian Way
Administrative Penalty I. Incorporation of the Administrative Penalties
of the European Union into the Estonian Legal Space: Attempt to Fit in the
Unfit in the Most Fitting Manner?(Dorpat Conference Centre, Baer)
former Head of the
Market Supervision and Enforcement Division, Financial Supervision Authority
15.00–16.30Kaie Rosin,
Tartu Circuit Court,
Advocate General; Assistant, European Union Criminal Law, University or Tartu
Interference of the
European Union in the Criminal Law of its Member States
Head of the Penal Law
and Procedure Division, Ministry of Justice; Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law,
University of Tartu
Fitting European
Union Sanctions into Estonian National Legislation: Ten Years of Discussion
16.30–16.45 Coffee break
Administrative Penalty II. Interference of the European Union in the Penal and Criminal Procedural Law of Member States: Regulative Arbitration of the Actual Practice of the European Union’s (Allegedly Quite) Harmonised Law Through the Eyes of Market Participants
(Dorpat Conference Centre, Baer)
Mari-Liis Orav,
Attorney-at-Law, Law Firm TGS Baltic16.45–18.15Märt Maarand,
Head of Risk and Compliance, AS Pocopay; Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law, University of TartuThe Impact of the Single Financial Supervision of the European Union as Seen by a Market Participant
Aleksander Kostjukevits,
Head of Compliance, Olympic Entertainment GroupThe Impact of Cross-Border Regulative Arbitration on the Compliance Check Across the Group
On Maintenance Obligation from Cradle to Care Home
(V Spa Conference Centre, Sweden)
Indrek Niklus,
Adviser, Law Firm
15.00–16.30Anneli Apuhtin,
Head of Legal
Service, Tartu City GovernmentKatrin Orav,
Law Firm LEXTAL; Member of the Board and Chairman of the Committee on Family
Law, Estonian Bar AssociationMag. iur. Liis Arrak,
of Civil Law Chamber, Tallinn Circuit Court
Rainis Int,
in Tallinn
16.30–16.45 Coffee break
Autonomy of Local Governments: for Whom and for What?
(V Spa Conference Centre, Sweden)
Mag. iur. Nele Parrest,
Justice, Supreme
Sulev Valner,
Administration Policy Adviser, Ministry of Finance
Tim Kolk,
Adviser, Supreme Court
Would the Constitution Allow More Freedom to
Local Governments?
Dr. iur. Vallo Olle,
Senior Adviser, Law
Enforcement Affairs Department, Chancellor of Justice Office
Matters of the Right
to Self Management of Rural Municipalities and Cities Under the Review of the Chancellor
of Justice
Priit Lello,
City Legal Director, Tallinn City Office
Matters of the Right
to Self Management of Rural Municipalities and Cities as Seen by Local
Friday, 9 October
Is the Right to Die a New Human Right?
(Vanemuine Concert Hall)
Dr. iur. Erkki Hirsnik,
Judge, Tartu Circuit
9.30–11.00Dr. iur. Mart Susi,
Professor of Human
Rights Law, Tallinn University
Theoretical Background in Emerging of New Human Rights
Mari-Liis Ilmoja,
of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Tallinn
Children’s Hospital
Aspect of Euthanasia
Merike Sisask,
of Social Health Care, Tallinn University
Euthanasia from the Viewpoint of a Social Scientist
Saskia Kask,
Prosecutor, Northern District Prosecutor's Office
Right to Die
versus the Right to Kill
Aigi Kivioja,
Senior Adviser,
Social Rights Department, Office of the Chancellor of Justice
and Possibilities Regarding a Patient’s Will
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
Different Time of Courts and the Press(Vanemuine Concert Hall)
Marti Aavik,
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Postimees11.30–13.00Ramon Rask,
Attorney-at-Law and Partner, Law Firm RASK Nom Nom – Who is Eating Whom?
Kretel Tamm,
Chief Prosecutor, South District Prosecutor's Office By That Time, No One Will Care About the Prosecutor’s Story
Mag. iur. Saale Laos,
Justice, Supreme Court The Court, the Press – HELP!
Risto Berendson,
Head of the Investigative Division, Õhtuleht The Eternal Conflict: Collisions between Public Interest and Justice
Protection of Employee’s Fundamental Rights in the Circumstances of
Freedom to Conduct Business
(Dorpat Conference Centre, Struve)
Moderator: PhD
Chairman of the
Management Board, AS Mainor
Annika Rosin,
Lecturer on Labour
Law at the University of Turku
The Role of the
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in Ensuring Employment
Head of Work
Environment, Ministry of Social Affairs; Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law,
University of Tartu
Employer’s Right to
Monitor Employees in the Era of Digital Technologies. Processing
Employees’ Personal Data during COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. iur. Merle Erikson,
Professor of Labour
Law, University of Tartu
Protection of
Whistleblowers in Employment Relationships
Rando Maisvee,
Attorney-at-Law, Law
Firm MOSS Legal
Collective Rights in
a Sharing Economy
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
Intellectual Property and Freedom to Conduct a Business(Dorpat Conference Centre, Struve)
Moderators: PhD
Aleksei Kelli,
Professor of Intellectual Property, University of Tartu MJur
Gea Lepik,
Head of Intellectual Property and Competition Law Division, Ministry of Justice; Assistant of Civil Law, University of Tartu 11.30–13.00Participants in the discussion:
Siim Timpson,
Intellectual Property Specialist, Cleveron AS;
Henrik Trasberg,
Adviser, Intellectual Property and Competition Law Division, Ministry of Justice;
Mikas Miniotas,
Partner, AAA Patendibüroo OÜ;
Liina Jents,
Attorney-at-Law, Law Firm COBALT
Legal History I. Constitutions and Statutes in the Republic of Estonia,
(Dorpat Conference Centre, Baer)
Dr. iur. Marju Luts-Sootak,
Professor of Legal
History, University of Tartu
9.30–11.00 PhD
Lea Leppik,
Associate Professor of
Legal History, University of Tartu; Curator, University of Tartu Museum
Background of Estonian Constitutionalists: Constitutional Law at the University
of Yuryev/Tartu and the University of Petrograd in the Early 20th Century
Dr. iur. Hesi Siimets-Gross,
Associate Professor of
Legal History and Roman Law, University of Tartu; Lawyer Linguist, European
Court of Justice
Constitutions of
Estonia and Poland – Parallels or Opposites?
Marelle Leppik,
Doctoral Student,
Faculty of Law, University of Tartu
Implementation of the
Constitution(s) at the Supreme Court, 1920–1940
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
Legal History II. Constitutions and Statutes in the Republic of Estonia, 1918–1940
(Dorpat Conference Centre, Baer)
Dr. iur. Hesi Siimets-Gross,
Associate Professor of Legal History and Roman Law, University of Tartu; Lawyer Linguist, Court of Justice11.30–13.00Marin Sedman,
Analyst, Supreme Court Penal Law Safeguards in the Constitutions of the Republic of Estonia and their Status in an Emergency Situation (1920–1940)
Karin Visnapuu,
Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law, University of Tartu Judicial Control over Land Reform in the Republic of Estonia, 1920–1940
Katrin Kiirend-Pruuli,
Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law, University of Tartu
Constitutional Principles in the Family Law of the Republic of Estonia, 1920–1940
Law in Prison
(V Spa Conference Centre, Sweden)
Väitlusjuht: PhD
Priit Kama,
Deputy Secretary-General for Prisons, Ministry
of Justice
9.30–11.00Ksenia Žurakovskaja-Aru,
Senior Adviser, Inspection Visits Department,
Chancellor of Justice Office
Imprisoned Person’s Right to Communicate with
their Family
Anneli Soo,
Associate Professor of Penal Law, Faculty of
Law, University of Tartu
Limits of the Detained Person's Right to Communicate
Laura Glaase,
Principal Lawyer, Prison Service, Department of
Prisons of the Ministry of Justice
Solitary Confinement: Law and Social Sciences
Sirje Kaljumäe,
Judge, Tartu Administrative Court
Complaints from Prison to Administrative Court:
Protection of Human Rights
vs Unjustified Complaints
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
Children’s Rights
(V Spa Conference Centre, Sweden)
Mag. iur. Andres Aru,
Head of the
Department, Children's and Youth Rights, Chancellor of Justice Office
11.30–13.00Mag. iur.,
Kristi Paron,
Senior Adviser, Children's and Youth Rights
Department, Chancellor of Justice Office
Birgit Siigur,
Head of Southern
District, Child Protection Department, Social Insurance Board
Principles of Child-Friendly Proceedings
Mag. iur. Karina Lõhmus-Ein,
Attorney-at-Law, Law Firm Lillo & Lõhmus,
Member of the Board and the Committee on Family Law, Estonian Bar Association
Mag. iur. Risto Sepp,
Bailiff, Ühinenud Kohtutäiturid
Ensuring a Relationship Between a Child and a
Katre Luhamaa,
Lecturer, European Law and International Law,
University of Tartu; Research Fellow, University of Bergen
Merli Laur,
Chief Specialist, Child Protection Department,
Social Insurance Board, Mediation of International Child Protection Cases
Limits to Interfering with Family Life. Practice
of Different Countries
13.00–14.00 Lunch
The Future of the Constitution: Evolution through Amendments or
(Vanemuine Concert Hall, web streaming)
Heiki Loot,
Justice of the
Supreme Court,
Member of the Constitutional Law Endowment
Panel, Estonian Academy of Sciences
Adviser, Constitutional Review Chamber, Supreme
Participants in the
podium discussion:
Dr. iur. Villu Kõve,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court;
Paul Puustusmaa,
Head of the Riigikogu's Constitutional
Urmas Reinsalu,
Minister of Foreign Affairs;
Liia Hänni,
Chief Expert on e-democracy;
Jüri Raidla,
Attorney-at-Law and Senior Partner, Law Firm
Ellex Raidla Advokaadibüroo;
Madis Ernits,
Judge, Tartu Circuit Court